Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy explains what information about you we may collect; how we may use and disclose that information; how you can instruct us if you would prefer to limit the use and disclosure of that information; and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard the privacy of your Personal Information. Our client confidentiality obligations are not addressed by this Privacy Policy but are described in our terms of engagement.
In this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:
(a) whether the opinion is true or not; and
(b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
The kinds of Personal Information Deutsch Miller collects and holds
The kinds of Personal Information Deutsch Miller may collect and hold will depend on the nature of your dealings with us. This may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Your name;
(2) Your job title;
(3) Your contact details (for example, your address, email address, phone or fax number);
(4) Your occupation and place of employment; or
(5) Other information relevant to your dealings with us.
How Deutsch Miller collects Personal Information
Deutsch Miller may collect your Personal Information via a number of means including, but not limited to, phone, email or in person. We may collect information about you in a number of circumstances, including when you seek legal advice from us, when you attend a seminar or other event provided by us, when you apply for or accept employment with us or when you offer to provide or provide services to us.
We will primarily collect your information directly from you, however we may also collect information from a third party, such as a company you are employed by or engaged with, recruitment agencies, credit reporting agencies, an information or service provider or otherwise from a publicly available record.
How Deutsch Miller holds Personal Information
Deutsch Miller takes reasonable steps to protect your Personal Information, which may be held on our premises, offsite or electronically.
Our offices are in a secure building with access restricted outside of business hours and/or when otherwise unattended. Physical records may be held in our offices, or if your matter has completed, securely held offsite by Grace Records Management (ABN 90 070 345 845) or another physical record management entity that we may engage from time to time.
Our IT systems and programs are secured by individual passwords and our anti-virus software is consistently maintained. Information is securely held on Australian Servers, or email servers as held by the Microsoft Corporation (ABN 59 547 297 213) (presently maintained in Australia).
Staff are trained, as a condition of their employment, to ensure that all Personal Information is treated confidentially and, where appropriate, maintained and/or destroyed in a manner which protects that information.
The purposes for which Deutsch Miller collects, holds, uses and discloses Personal Information
Deutsch Miller will only use your Personal Information for the purpose it was collected (unless you have expressly consented otherwise). Such purpose may include where it is relevant to the provision of legal services to any client, for recruitment, or to contact you in relation to accounts.
Deutsch Miller may disclose your Personal Information to various recipients as appropriate to the circumstances which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Clients of Deutsch Miller, as well as their employees and assigns, may have their Personal Information disclosed to barristers or other legal subject matter experts, including foreign solicitors where appropriate;
(2) If we have otherwise lawfully collected your Personal Information in relation to a client of Deutsch Miller, it may be disclosed to that client or other legal practitioners as outlined in (1) as related to a legal matter;
(3) Personal Information may be disclosed in the usual manner of running a law firm, to such persons as employees, service consultants and contractors of Deutsch Miller, subject to security and confidentiality arrangements;
(4) Personal Information may be confidentially disclosed to a third party for the purposes of collecting your feedback on our services and to improve and promote our services, including but not limited to The Legal 500;
(5) We will also disclose your Personal Information where required or compelled by law to do so.
Disclosure of Personal Information to overseas recipients
We may transfer information about you between countries if required for a relevant purpose as described above. These may include countries which do not provide the same level of protection as the laws of your home country (for example, the laws within the European Economic Area or Australia). However, where practicable, we will require sub-contractors, consultants or agents who are outside Australia (as applicable) to whom we transfer information about you to ensure a similar level of protection of your Personal Information.
How an individual may access their Personal Information and seek correction of it
You have the right in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to reasonably access the Personal Information that Deutsch Miller holds about you and seek correction of the same.
If you wish to access or correct the Personal Information we hold about you, please contact us via the details below.
If you believe Deutsch Miller or a contractor of Deutsch Miller has breached this Privacy Policy, the Australian Privacy Principles, or the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), please contact us in writing via the details below. You should include all relevant details so that we may investigate your complaint and respond to you as soon as possible. We will investigate all complaints we receive and provide you with a response in a timely manner (usually within 20 business days of receipt). If you are not satisfied with our response, you may make the relevant complaint to the privacy regulator and we will provide details upon request.
Contact us
Please address any queries or complaints in relation to the above policy to the Privacy Officer (currently Paul Miller):
Mail: Deutsch Miller, Level 9, 53 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9210 7777